We live in a time of extraordinary change. What was deemed impossible fifty years ago is now commonplace. Every major industry in the world has had to undergo radical change in order to meet the demands of a dynamic, technology savvy, but often under-informed society, and agriculture is no exception. With world population predicted to reach eight billion by the year 2025, we have to find ways to feed more people than ever before, with less land than we have ever had. This means that in twelve years, nine million American farmers will have to come together to feed nearly two billion people all across the globe. That is an astounding number. Every single farmer in the US will have to be able to feed 177 people.
But how can we use less land, less fuel, and less manpower to feed more people? There are many proposed solutions out there, but perhaps the most controversial is genetic manipulation. Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have polarized the world for nearly a half century. Champions of the anti-GMO movement claim the genetic modification is playing God, unreliable and dangerous. Those embracing GMOs respond by presenting short-term studies showing the safety of this technology and point out that traditional plants cannot produce enough to feed the world.
Who is right? Should we embrace GMOs as the solution to our upcoming food shortage? Or should we leave them by the wayside and pursue more laborious options? That is what we have to decide. Consumers must be informed, as must agriculturalists, about the pros and cons of gentic manipulation. In the next article, we will explore the anti-GMO side, it's points and conclusions, and see if maybe there is some truth in the accusations brought against GMO technology. Later, we will look at the history of GMOs, their benefits and how they may hold the the key to feeding a booming population. Finally, we will investigate abuses of power by companies using GMO technology and come to a conclusion on this hottest of hot topics.
Have a nice day!