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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

RoundUp Ready

Ok, ok, I know: I'm horrible about posting on a regular basis. But I try. Anyway, I thought I would just begin a discussion on Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs. Specifically, RoundUp Ready crops, produced by Monsanto. There is a huge debate raging right now over the supposed safety, or lack thereof, of RoundUP Ready technology. One day a study comes out saying you will die of cancer at 30 from eating GM food, and then the next, one comes out saying that GM foods are actually more nutritious than non-GM foods. Who do you believe? Over the next few posts, I will explore some of these claims on both sides, and give my (less than expert) analysis on the data with my interpretation of the whole issue. Stay tuned and enjoy the blog!
And of course, have a nice day!